Delegation of Chinese Educators Visiting Japan

时间:2019-08-19  11:12:25

At the beginning of the year, on the occasion of the 40th anniversary of the China-Japan Peace and Friendship Treaty, the 59 members of the 22nd Delegation of Chinese Educators visited Japan from January 29 to February 2 as arranged by the Chinese People’s Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries (CPAFFC). The delegation was composed of representatives of front-line educators in Beijing, Heilongjiang, Gansu and Anhui. Among them, 29 excellent young backbone teachers of Beijing, as arranged by the Beijing People’s Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries (the BPAFFC), joined the delegation.

In Japan, the delegation headed to Tokyo, Kyoto and Osaka for visit, study and exchanges of views. The delegation walked into the Hakuyou Junior High School of Tokyo and Osaka Business Frontier Senior High School to exchange with teachers, students and experience education of Japan; visited Seimon Ironbridge, Fushimi Inari Temple and experienced Maki-e, a traditional handicraft of Japan, to gain preliminary understanding of Japanese culture; and heard the brief by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology of Japan on the Learning Guidance Outline issued by Japanese government lately and exchanged with the Osaka City Board of Education to learn about the latest educational principles of Japan.

Through exchanges, teachers of the delegation gained preliminary understanding of the models and achievements of basic education in Japan, and directly felt the advanced science and technology, mature and standardized social management, distinctive national culture of Japan and the high degree of professionalism in the Japanese education community.